
Childhood education should be a vocation. And this is my case. Since I was a child, I had the hope to see how children grow up and to be able to accompany them and their families in their first years of life. Because of this hope; I made the effort to be a childhood education teacher.
The future of a childhood educator are creches. It was like that. I worked in public and private schools in Mollet, in Barcelona and in Cerdanyola. In Kidsco -Barcelona- I spent more than 7 years. There I met some magical colleagues, and despite being complicated years, I can assure you that I learned and grew as a teacher as anywhere else. After the birth of my son Marcos in 2014 and a difficult year in another children's school in Cerdanyola, in 2015 one of the best opportunities that could happen to a teacher in early childhood education appeared: to create my own space.
Until then I had the experience in a regulated education in all the kindergartens, which taught me a lot of things. I agree with some of them, and I disagree with others, things that I wanted for my son and things I did not want. And if I want it for my son, I want it for my professional life as well. After so many years of experience, I did not want my son, for example, to be in a class full of children. I have always thought that so many children in a class were the opposite of what they wanted because they can not be attended to as they should. Imagine for a moment that you have up to 20 children ... could you take care of them and accompany them as you would like to? Could you inculcate the values that you consider appropriate for their future?
And so it happened. Step by step Un món màgic was born , a unique and familiar space in which children are the most important, in which we must accompany them in their growth and learning. They mark their goals and their hopes. But we must not forget that not only the children, but their families are also important. For us both parents, siblings, uncles and aunts, grandparents are too. A relationship based on trust with families is the base.
A "prize" at the end of 2015 gave a push to our project. Cerdanyola City Council and the Rotary Club made us finalists in the competition for the best entrepreneurial projects.
Who we are

To this day the team is built by Nadia (Technical in Early Child Education) and Chelo (Teacher in Early Childhood Education) . Both Nadia and I have a great experience in the educational world: she has more than 8 years of experience as a children educator and, in my case, more than 12 years of experience as educator and teacher. And now, as well as teacher, as a director.
We both met in the Escola Bressol Kidsco in Barcelona more than 8 years ago and in 2017 we got together to form a team. We know how we work and the trust between us is a really positive point for Un món màgic. Without any doubt, it is very important to have as a colleague a person with whom, just with one look, you know what has happened, what must be done, or how to act. . And this is not innate; it is the result of years of working and accumulating experience, and fortunately, we no longer have to look for it. The way we worked when we met in Barcelona has created in us a spirit of work, an order and a way of doing things very similar.
Working harmoniously and with people who have the same views on childhood education as you and value this profession, is definitely a benefit for all parties involved: children, families and us. And this is very difficult to achieve. Luckily, we have been able to do it.
Mission, vision and values
Every project must have a mission, vision and values. These have been, are and will be ours:
Mission. Why do we exist? help families with children up to 3 to balance their job and personal life, using for that an educational project built by the experience acquired by all the team through their profesional lives. In this way, your children will be in the best hands and, the most important thing, you will feel completely secure and happy with the teachers, given their professional and personal competencies.
Vision. What we want to be? We want to be the best child educational center with the best educational project, thanks to innovation, quality and professional excellence, being a reference in sensitive and experimentation activities, with the objective of improving the process of child learning. In this way we can get children, families and educational team satisfaction.
Values: our values define who we are:
- Sincerity: we always tell you what happens. If your child has not eaten or has not behaved as expected, you would want to know that, wouldn’t you?
- Hopes and dreams: what would happen to education if we didn’t have hopes and dreams?
- Responsibility: Your children are Our responsibility... we will live up to your expectations.
- Quality: Love is the best quality anyone can offer. Because of this, we will do all the things the best way we possibly can.
Here is the history. Mi name is Chelo, my vocation the children and my CV can be checked here
Teaching that impacts is not head to head but heart to heart.